Energy storage type
The energy storage type, i.e., a super capacitance absorption device. When regenerative braking raises DC voltage, the device is working to absorb the energy and stores it into a super capacitor; when the locomotive is started to lower the DC voltage, the device works to discharge energy stored in the capacitor to DC traction grid, a way that can better use the braking energy and stabilize DC voltage.
DC-AC variable-voltage and variable-frequency (VVVF) transmission is generally used in urban rail transit systems. Locomotives are braked electrically (regenerative braking), the main method, and mechanically, the supporting method. A locomotive is frequently started and braked due to short inter-station distance and therefore generates considerable braking energy. According to experience, a part (20%-80%, up to the locomotive density and inter-station distance) of the regenerative braking energy produced by a metro locomotive is absorbed and utilized by adjacent locomotives, the rest part is mainly consumed by absorption resistors of the locomotive by getting heat or by the absorption devices installed in the rail. Resistors are mainly used to absorb the regenerative braking energy generated by locomotives in Chinese urban rail transit systems, which wastes energy, increases the burdens of air-conditioning systems in stations and increases the cost of urban rail transit construction and operation, all of which can be solved if such regenerative energy can be reused.
The third is energy storage type, i.e., a super capacitance absorption device. When regenerative braking raises DC voltage, the device is working to absorb the energy and stores it into a super capacitor; when the locomotive is started to lower the DC voltage, the device works to discharge energy stored in the capacitor to DC traction grid, a way that can better use the braking energy and stabilize DC voltage.
Effect:CH1: Grid voltage waveform、CH2: Grid current waveform、CH3: Voltage waveform for the super capacitor、CH4: Charging and discharging current waveform for the super capacitor
Waveforms for a single charging and discharging cycle
Waveforms for repeated charging and discharging cycles